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O'z DSt 36.1575:2014
5310800 - State education standard for Electronics and instrument industry (devices/instruments) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1576:2014
5310800 - State education standard for Electronics and instrument industry (electronics industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1577:2014
5310900 - State education standard for Metrology, standardisation and quality management (industry/production) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1578:2014
5310900 - State education standard for Metrology, standardisation and quality management (agriculture) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1579:2014
5230200 - State education standard for Management (industry/production) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1580:2014
5150900 - State education standard for Design (industry/production) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1581:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5350700 - Radio-electronic equipment and systems (radio production)) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1582:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5310600 - Surface transport systems and their operation (tractors, agricultural plant and equipment) education area of Bachelor’s degree holders
O'z DSt 36.1583:2014
5330200 - State education standard for Computer science and information technologies (industry production sector) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1584:2014
5350700 - State education standard for Radioelectronic equipment and systems (aviation transport) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1585:2014
5350700 - State education standard for Radioelectronic equipment and systems (radio industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1586:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5321400 - Oil and gas industry technology) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1587:2014
5230400 - State education standard for Marketing (real sector) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1588:2014
5310700 - State standard for teaching Electrical engineering, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies (cable industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1589:2014
5311800 - State education standard for Hydrogeology and engineering geology in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1590:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5321700 - Information-communication technologies of management of technological processes) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1591:2014
5311900 - State education standard for Development and use of oil and gas deposits in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1592:2014
5321300 - State education standard for Technology of processing of oil and gas in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1593:2014
5310700 - State education standard for Electrical engineering, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies (machinery) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1594:2014
5111000 - State education standard for Professional education (5211900 - Development of Oil and gas deposits and their use/operation) area field of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1595:2014
5310200 - State education standard for Power engineering (production companies and towns) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1596:2014
5320300 - State education standard for technological plant and equipment in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1597:2014
5320300 - State education standard for technological plant and equipment (cooling machinery) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1598:2014
5310300 - State education standard for Power engineering (power generation, supply and distribution) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1599:2014
5310300 - State education standard for Metallurgy in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1600:2014
5310500 - State standard for teaching Motor industry and tractor industry in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1601:2014
5230200 - State education standard for Electrical engineering, Electrical mechanics and Electrical technologies in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1602:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5310200 - Electric energy (production companies and towns)) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1603:2014
5230700 - State education standard for electrical engineering, Electrical mechanics and Electrical technologies in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1604:2014
5310700 - State education standard for Electrical engineering, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies (electrical machinery) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1605:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5320100 - Material science and technology of materials) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1606:2014
5610600 - State education standard for Servicing methods and technologies (servicing of agricultural plant and equipment) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1607:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5320300 - Technological plant and equipment (machinery and processing of metals)) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1608:2014
5310700 - State education standard for Electrical engineering, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies (electrical energy) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1609:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5320200 - Technology of machinery, equipping and automation of machinery production) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1610:2014
5311500- State education standard for Geodesy, cartography and cadastre (mining industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1611:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5310700 - electrical equipment, electrical mechanics and electrical technologies (machinery) education area of training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1612:2014
5630100 - State education standard for Ecology and environmental protection (industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1613:2014
5640100 - State education standard for Life activity safety in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1614:2014
5620200 - State education standard for Management/administration of air traffic in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1615:2014
5311600 - State education standard for Mining in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1616:2014
5310600 - State standard for teaching of Surface transport systems and their operation (agricultural plant and equipment) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1617:2014
5320300 - State education standard for technological plant and equipment (oil and gas industry) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1618:2014
5320300 - State education standard for technological plant and equipment (machinery and metal processing) in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1619:2014
5320200 - State education standard for Equipping and automation of machinery technology and machinery production in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1620:2014
5320100 - State education standard for Material study and new materials technology in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1621:2014
5312000 - State education standard for Designing, construction and use of oil and gas processing facilities in training of Bachelor’s degree students
O'z DSt 36.1622:2014
5111000 - State standard for Professional education (5310600 - Surface transport systems and their operation (handling and road construction equipment) education area of Bachelor’s degree holders
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RH Uzbekistan
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